Community Hall Odyssey

A Journey of Connection, Celebration, and Collaboration

Colourful background with words Community Hall Odyssey.


Rich in history and behind historic timber doors, you will find a valued team of dedicated volunteers investing their time and energy in serving their community. These volunteers are devoted to preserving the charm and character of some 18 halls across the shire, making sure that they remain important community spaces that support social cohesion, well-being and a place to connect.

Council recently secured grant funding from NSW Government to invest into the reactivation and sustainability of its volunteer managed Community Halls through the NSW Social Cohesion grant. This has provided an opportunity for the amazing community hall volunteers to host and showcase a series of unique one-off hall events across the shire.

The events and programs that take place in community halls activate relationships, enhance social connectedness, reduce loneliness and support individuals to be physically and mentally active.

These activities result in improved general health, mental health, personal and social well-being for all in the community.

When we engage with others, we strengthen connections, cultivate ideas and foster healthy rapport with others. Groups of affinity are realised, friendships are strengthened, and social well-being and inclusion is nurtured.

So check out what’s happening in your local hall this summer, and you never know, you might just want to get involved and volunteer!



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