House Rules

Bega Valley Shire Council allows comments on some of our news and exhibited items, as a space for you to contribute your thoughts about news events and participate in fair conversations about topical and exhibited material. All comments are moderated and we make no guarantees that your contribution will be published. By submitting a comment, you agree to abide by our house rules:

  • Be polite. Treat other people using the website, including Council staff moderators, with respect and courtesy. Comments using inappropriate language, which are abusive towards other users, or which appear to deliberately provoke arguments, will be deleted.
  • Don't break the law. Do not post comments which are defamatory, discriminatory, incite violence, infringe copyright or are otherwise unlawful. Messages that are factually wrong and misleading may also be deleted.
  • Stay on topic. The space provided on the news and exhibited items are for you to discuss and comment on the specific content. Please do not post messages which are irrelevant.
  • Be concise. Preference will be given to contributions which are no more than 200 words long but the Council reserves the right to publish longer contributions if, in the view of the moderator, a comment offers a particular insight.
  • Be original. Try to provide viewpoints that have not yet been widely canvassed by other contributors.
  • Don't dominate the conversation. Our preference is to publish comments from as many different viewpoints as possible; we reserve the right to reject contributions from participants who seek to dominate the discussion.
  • Don't advertise. Contributions that seek to endorse commercial products or activities or solicit business will not be accepted. The Council publishes links to other websites at its sole discretion.
  • Use an appropriate screen name. Do not use a screen name that is defamatory, abusive or contains swearing. Contributors must not intentionally impersonate other living people.

Your participation in Council’s news, comments and submissions on exhibited material is also governed by of Use and Privacy Statement.


  • How do I sign up for comments?

When you see a news item or exhibited item that's open for comments, you'll notice an 'Add your comment' button. Click this then provide a screen name (Author), your email address and your comment, and then click the ‘Post Comment’ button.

  • Why isn't everything open for comment?

Every comment is checked by a Council moderator before being posted to the site. Because we have limited moderation resources, we can't open everything for comment.

  • How do you decide what to open for comment?

We aim to open a variety of news items and exhibited material, and try not to replicate current issues. Some items are not suitable for comments, for example, stories about road closures.

  • I want to leave a comment on an item – why have you closed it?

Because we have limited moderation resources, we can only open a limited number of items. If we feel that a wide range of views have already been canvassed on an item, we may decide to close it. At the other end of the scale, if we open an item but there is little interest in it, we may decide to close it.

  • Why doesn't my comment appear straight away?

All comments are checked by a Council moderator, which is why your comment will not appear straight away. Positive and negative comments are welcome providing they abide by our House Rules.

  • Why didn't my comment get published?

A comment will not be published if it breaches the Bega Valley Shire Council House Rules.

  • What can I do if I find a comment offensive?

If you find a comment offensive and you think it should be removed, click on the Alert moderator button and give a reason why you find the comment offensive. Bear in mind we will only remove a comment if it breaches the House Rules.

  • What can I do if I'm unhappy with my comments not getting through?

Please don't message the moderator. We do not accept moderation complaints via the comments stream. If you would like to make a complaint, you need to put your complaint in writing to: The General Manager, Bega Valley Shire Council, PO Box 492, Bega or Email


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